Why Craniosacral Therapy Can Improve Your Leadership

If you’re looking to be a more effective leader, craniosacral therapy can support the cause. Here are a few reasons why.

Stress Reduction

Among other benefits, craniosacral therapy can release stress and tension from your body, particularly from your nervous system. This can help you feel more relaxed as you navigate the inevitable stressors that accompany a leadership role.


Many of the leaders I work with come to me because they’re exhausted and overwhelmed. They’re often busy moms who juggling work and life; they often put everyone else’s needs before their own. Weekly craniosacral therapy appointments provide dedicated time to put themselves first, take care of their health, and prioritize their wellbeing. Craniosacral therapy helps them to turn inward and do this healing work so they can feel more energized and grounded as they do their work in the world.

Emotional Intelligence

Craniosacral therapy can also help release emotions stored in your body. This means that it’s easier to not let your emotions get the best of you, for example if you’re dealing with conflict or people issues that are common in the workplace. In order words, releasing emotions stored in your body makes it far easier to practice emotional intelligence, which we all know is fundamental to effective leadership.

Connection to Self

A fourth reason why craniosacral therapy can support your leadership is it fosters a deeper connection to yourself. Many of us are so preoccupied with our to-do lists and never-ending responsibilities that we can neglect ourselves. Craniosacral therapy invites you to turn your attention inward to support your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. The more resourced you are, and the stronger you’re connected to your inner self, the easier it becomes to have the energy to do your work in the word and lead from a place aligned with who you are and what you value.

Final Thoughts

Craniosacral therapy has many benefits, including helping you embody leadership. If you’d like to experience these benefits first-hand, I offer craniosacral therapy in Mercer Island. This is a great option if you’re looking for a craniosacral therapist in Seattle or a craniosacral therapist in Bellevue. Reach out to me here to schedule your appointment.


Craniosacral therapy in Seattle.


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